Hi, My Name Is

Liam McBride

GitHub | LinkedIn

I'm a passionate developer

Who loves making whatever I can with code.
Not limited to:

  • Websites
  • Video Games
  • Bots
  • APIs

I typically have one or two side projects going on at any one time. And am always excited to chat someone's ear off about them!

Feel free to checkout some of my latest projects here.

My experience in the industry

Consists of my 9 month internship with the Exeleration Center, where I consulted for Rhythm. With Rhythm I helped the existing team further develop their customer support portal. This involved working with the Django backend and React frontend. I was able to gain valuable experience on both backend and frontend.

My learning wasn't just about code though. I learned a lot about scrum and agile development, even completing a Certified Scrum Master course. Beyond that I grew in many other areas, like how to conduct myself on a developer team. How to interact successfully with project managers and QA testers. As well as how to seek out help effectively. Through the experience I spent about half of my developing time pair programming, which further added to my learning.

What I bring to the table

My passion for code and developing, which has a few key benefits:

  • Learning new languages and tools is an exciting challenge that I will jump at the chance to do.
  • My endurance and dedication to solving a problem goes far beyond just wanting to do a good job. It is my passion to fix that problem.
  • I'll be looking for ways to step up and contribute more to a project, whether that's through code or ideas.
  • I'll be excited to come to work and contribute to a project. A little more positive energy on a team is never a bad thing.

In addition to all that

I want to learn more about project management, how to be a successful code architect, and UX design.

Recently I joined the Accessible Technologies Student Org (ATSO) at Virginia Tech and am helping to implement the club website. Through this process I am learning the fundementals of accessible design.